Academics | Faculties | RAMEZ G. CHAGOURY FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE, ARTS, AND DESIGN | Department of Architecture | Note from the Chair | NDU

Note from the Chair

At the Department of Architecture, we are attentive to the challenges facing the young generation in our fast-changing world. We strive to be mentors for our students, in addition to passing on knowledge and experience.

The key elements of our Department’s success define what I call the 3Hs of our program: 

1. Holistic approach: we share with our students a wide spectrum of knowledge through research and theoretical analyses, technical and technological expertise, and creative design studios. We are periodically revising our programs to be up to date with the latest developments in the world.

2. Humane approach: we guide our students to tackle their missions with a socio-economic vision with an eye towards environmental concerns, as we believe that architecture is intertwined with society’s aspirations and well-being.

3. Honor and ethics: we strive to educate our students under the umbrella of honor and ethics, guiding them to practice their profession as critical-thinking and ethical architects, contributing to the advancement of their society and environment.

Our instructors are graduates from local and international renowned universities. They come from diverse architectural, urban, and sustainable backgrounds, thus offering the students opportunities for rich academic discourse. Their interaction with the students is based on mutual respect and a continuous effort to form aspiring architects.

Studying Architecture at our Department is about refining our students’ skill set, which include resilience, critical thinking, problem solving, aesthetics, and ethical leadership.


Dr. Hani Zgheib

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