Academics | Faculties | FACULTY OF ENGINEERING | Department of Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering | Bachelor of Engineering in Computer and Communication Engineering - ABET Accredited Program | NDU

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer and Communication Engineering - ABET Accredited Program

Total Credits
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The mission of the Computer and Communication Engineering Program is to provide excellent undergraduate education which includes the theory and practice of balanced topics in computer and communication engineering following the liberal arts education model. Besides promoting ethical and spiritual values and serving the community, the graduates are expected to acquire quality knowledge, critical thinking, and civic responsibility in a variety of computer and communication engineering fields through a balance of required courses and technical electives. The program seeks to prepare qualified computer and communication engineering graduates for professional practice or graduate studies at the local, regional and international levels. Graduates are able to work skillfully and effectively in multidisciplinary teams and are competent to engage in lifelong learning.



The Faculty of Engineering (FE) was officially accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, the global accreditor of college and university programs in applied sciences, computing, engineering, and engineering technology, across the three campuses in 2016 and retroactive to Fall 2013. The programs that were accredited are the following: Civil Engineering, Computer and Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. In 2022, ABET reaffirmed the FE’s accreditation for a full cycle, a follow-up to the initial certification in 2016.

Program Educational Objectives

  1. 1.Lead productive careers in a broad range of computer and communication engineering specializations at the local, regional, and international levels;
  2. 2.Pursue successful graduate studies and engage in life-long learning;
  3. 3.Practice the engineering profession with critical thinking, ethics, integrity, leadership, and civic responsibility so as to enhance the quality of living;
  4. 4.Work skillfully and effectively in multidisciplinary teams and contribute to the wellbeing of the society and the environment.


Program Learning Outcomes (based on ABET criteria)

The graduates of the Computer and Communication Engineering program will have:

  1. 1.An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics;
  2. 2.An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and  welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors;
  3. 3.An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences;
  4. 4.An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts;
  5. 5.An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives;
  6. 6.An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions;
  7. 7.An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.


Enrollment and Graduation Figures

Enrolled Students Fall 2023: 260
Number of Graduates 2022/2023: 36

The Bachelor of Engineering in Computer and Communication Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.


Graduation Requirements

To receive a degree of Bachelor of Engineering offered by the Faculty of Engineering, a student must complete a total of 150 credits with an overall GPA of at least 2.0/4.0 and a minimum average of 2.0/4.0 in the major requirements and technical electives. In addition, all major requirements and technical elective courses must be successfully completed with a minimum grade of “C-”.



Liberal Arts Curriculum (27cr.)

Technical Electives (19cr.)

Students should complete 19 credits of approved technical electives in EEN and CSC courses including one elective laboratory course.

Computer and Communication Engineering Courses (9cr.)

Students may not select more than two courses from the same pool.

Cooperative Professional Training

Can substitute for any two 3-credit Technical Elective courses.

Free Elective (3cr.)

Include any course, of sophomore level (200-level) or above, offered by the University.

Suggested Program

Fall Semester Year I (16cr.)
CHM 211 Principles of Chemistry 3 cr.
ENG 200 Introduction to Engineering 2 cr.
ENG 270 Introduction to Engineering Laboratory
1 cr.
ENL 213 Sophomore English Rhetoric 3 cr.
MAT 213 Calculus III 3 cr.
MAT 215 Linear Algebra I 3 cr.
CHM 271 Principles of Chemistry Laboratory 1 cr.
Spring Semester Year I (16cr.)
EEN 201 Circuits Analysis I 3 cr.
ENG 202 Computers and Engineering 3 cr.
MAT 224 Calculus IV 3 cr.
PHS 212 Electricity and Magnetism 3 cr.
PHS 271 Electricity and Magnetism Laboratory 1 cr.
Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) 3 cr.
Summer Session Year I (9cr.)
ENL 223/230/231 Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC)  3 cr.
MAT 211 Discrete Mathematics 3 cr.
Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) 3 cr.
Fall Semester Year II (17cr.)
CSC 215 Fundamentals of Programming 3 cr.
CSC 275 Fundamentals of Programming Laboratory 
1 cr.
MAT 339 Numerical Analysis 
3 cr.
EEN 202 Circuits Analysis II 3 cr.
EEN 203 Circuits Laboratory 1 cr.
EEN 220 Introduction to Logic Design 3 cr.
MAT 235 Ordinary Differential Equations 3 cr.
Spring Semester Year II (16cr.)
CSC 313 Program Design and Data Abstraction II 3 cr.
EEN 310 Electronic Circuits I 3 cr.
EEN/CSC 323/312 Fundamentals of Computer Hardware/Computer Architecture 3 cr.
EEN 221 Logic Design Laboratory 1 cr.
    Free Electives 3 cr.
    Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) 
3 cr.
Summer Session Year II (9cr.)
MAT 326 Probability and Statistics for Engineers 3 cr.
MAT 333/335 Complex Variables/PDE 
3 cr.
Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) 3 cr.
Fall Semester Year III (17cr.)
EEN 311 Electronic Circuits II 3 cr.
EEN 312 Electronic Circuits Laboratory 1 cr.
EEN 330 Electromagnetics I 3 cr.
EEN 340 Signals and Systems 3 cr.
EEN 341 Signals and Systems Laboratory
1 cr.
Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) 3 cr.
CSC Technical Elective I 3 cr.
Spring Semester Year III (17cr.)
EEN/CSC 342/425 Computer Networks/Data Communications and Computer Networks 3 cr.
EEN 422 Digital Integrated Circuits 3 cr.
EEN 424 Microprocessor System Design 3 cr.
EEN 425 Microprocessor Laboratory 1 cr.
EEN 345 Computer Network Laboratory
1 cr.
EEN 331 Electromagnetics II 3 cr.
EEN 344 Communication Systems I 3 cr.
Summer Session Year III (1cr.)
EEN 489 Approved Professional Training 1 cr.
Fall Semester Year IV (17cr.)
EEN 443 Communication Systems II 3 cr.
EEN 598 Engineering Design I 1 cr.
CSC Technical Elective I 3 cr.
CSC   Technical Elective II 3 cr.
CSC   Technical Elective III
3 cr.
EEN Technical Elective IV 3 cr.
EEN 444 Communication Systems Laboratory 1 cr.
Spring Semester Year IV (15cr.)
EEN 599 Engineering Design II 2 cr.
CSC 426 Principles of Database Systems  3 cr.
EEN Technical Elective V 3 cr.
EEN   Technical Elective VI 3 cr.
EEN   Technical Elective Laboratory I 1 cr.
    Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) 3 cr.


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