Academics | Faculties | FACULTY OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES | Department of Computer Science | Master of Science in Computer Science | NDU

Total Credits
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The mission of the MS program in Computer Science is to provide students with the knowledge and skills to become successful practitioners and leaders in the computing fields and to prepare them for further higher education in computer science.


Program Educational Objectives

The Computer Science department seeks to provide graduates with:

  1. 1.Advanced knowledge in the Computing fields which include theoretical foundations and fundamentals of systems and software.
  2. 2.A breadth of knowledge to establish a foundation for Ph.D. studies in Computer Science and related fields.
  3. 3.Required knowledge and skills to assume responsible positions in industry and government at the research, planning, and development levels.


Program Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation, students will be able to:

  1. 1.Demonstrate their competence in the Computing fields which include fundamentals of systems and software.
  2. 2.Demonstrate a breadth of knowledge in a variety of application areas in Computer Science, including databases, networks, software engineering, information security and multimedia.
  3. 3.Demonstrate their competence in the analysis, design, development and testing of software systems and computer systems.
  4. 4.Recognize the need for, and demonstrate an ability to engage in, continuing professional development.
  5. 5.Demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences and to show leadership qualities.
  6. 6.Demonstrate their understanding of professional, ethical, legal and security issues and responsibilities.
  7. 7.Demonstrate their ability to engage in a Ph.D. program in Computer Science and show their readiness for research and development in industry.
  8. 8.Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of a sub-area of Computer Science and be able to further the frontier of knowledge in that field.
  9. 9.Develop abilities for effective communication as researchers and educators.

Admission Requirements

In addition to the University graduate admission requirements, students holding a BS in Computer Science with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 or the equivalent will be accepted, while those with a cumulative GPA of 2.7-2.99 or the equivalent will be conditionally accepted. The conditional acceptance will be removed when the student receives a minimum of a “B” average for the 6 credits taken during his or her first semester. Students from other majors may be also given conditional admission pending completion of some supplementary courses over and above the 30 credits required for the MS in Computer Science, as specified by the Faculty Graduate Committee, with a minimum of a “B” average. These supplementary credits do not count towards the 30 credits required for the MS degree. Normally, a maximum of 9 transfer credits from previous graduate work completed at another accredited institution of higher education may be transferred upon the discretion of the Faculty Graduate Committee.

Graduation Requirements

To satisfy the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science, the student must complete a total of 30 credits with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0/4.0 with no more than 2 “Cs.” The minimum passing grade of a graduate computer science course is “C.”


Students in the degree of MS in Computer Science may consecutively register for the thesis courses CSC 691 and CSC 692 only after successfully completing at least 18 credits with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0/4.0 and after receiving the approval of both the department chairperson and the thesis advisor.

Work Duration

The thesis work is expected to be successfully completed within a time duration of two semesters.


Immediately after receiving a note of completion from the thesis advisor and three copies of the thesis from the student, the department chairperson shall appoint the oral defense jury and its chairperson. It shall consist of the thesis advisor and two full-time faculty members. The department chairperson shall distribute to each member of the jury one copy of the thesis.

Oral Defense Schedule

The oral defense for the thesis shall take place within two weeks from the jury appointment.

Final Grade

Each jury member shall evaluate the student thesis work, then the jury shall thoroughly examine the student during the oral defense and consequently assign the proper grade by a majority vote. In case of a tie, the committee chairperson shall have the casting vote.

Thesis Copies Distribution

The student shall submit four bound copies, two soft bound copies and two unbound copies of the approved final copy of the thesis to the jury chairperson for signatures and distribution to the student, thesis advisor, department, faculty, and the remaining members of the jury. The two unbound copies shall be sent to the university library.


Suggested Program

Fall Semester Year 1 (9cr.)
MAT 661 Computational Mathematics I 3 cr.
CSC 616 Adv. Database Systems 3 cr.
CSC 626 Computer Communications & Networks 3 cr.
Spring Semester Year 1 (9cr.)
CSC 623 Adv. Software Engineering 3 cr.
CSC 6xx Elective 3 cr.
CSC 6xx Elective 3 cr.
Fall Semester Year 2 (6cr.)
CSC 691 Master Thesis in Computer Science I 3 cr.
CSC 6xx Elective 3 cr.
Spring Semester Year 2 (6cr.)
CSC 692 Master Thesis in Computer Science II 3 cr.
CSC 6xx Electives 3 cr.


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