Academics | Faculties | FACULTY OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES | Department of Sciences | Master of Science in Industrial Chemistry | NDU

Total Credits
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The Master of Science program in Industrial Chemistry at Notre Dame University-Louaize is dedicated to training highly qualified students in this field. Our program is built upon the principles of interactive learning and hands-on research expertise. It encompasses a thesis component that not only enhances practical knowledge but also serves as a stepping stone for careers in applied chemistry and the possibility of further enrollment in Ph.D. programs.

Program Educational Objectives

  1. 1.Provide students with a first-rate educational experience in the field of industrial chemistry.
  2. 2.Prepare students for excellent careers in industrial chemistry by boosting both their scientific and personal expertise.
  3. 3.Coach students to be independent and critical thinkers, capable of undertaking initiatives and dealing confidently and scientifically with incipient issues pertaining to industrial chemistry.
  4. 4.Foster the citizenship in students by nurturing their communication skills and ethical standards.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation, students will be able to:

  1. 1.Build a strong understanding of the fundamentals in chemical theories and their applications in industry.
  2. 2.Plan and carry out experimental research and statistical analysis.
  3. 3.Identify and solve problems in industrial chemical processes.
  4. 4.Apprehend the development, ethics, and environmental issues of chemical industry.
  5. 5.Know the proper procedures and regulations for safe handling and use of chemicals and instrumentation.
  6. 6.Review and assess scientific literature critically.
  7. 7.Communicate their research ideas both orally and in writing.

Admission Requirements

In addition to the university graduate admission requirements, students holding a BS in Chemistry with a GPA of 2.7-2.99 will be accepted on probation. The probation will be removed if the students receive a minimum of a B average for 6 credits taken during their first semester. Students from other majors may be given provisional admission pending satisfactory completion of prerequisite courses consisting of a maximum of 12 credits of undergraduate chemistry courses, as specified by the Faculty Graduate Committee. The credits earned for these prerequisite courses will not be counted towards the 36 credits required for the MS in Industrial Chemistry. Students are expected to be proficient in the English language; otherwise, they must pass the University English Entrance Test or its equivalent. Normally, a maximum of 9 transfer credits from previous work completed at another accredited institution of higher education is permitted upon the discretion of the Faculty Graduate Committee.


Graduate assistantships, including teaching, research, and academic positions, provide financial aid to outstanding students who offer valuable services to the University. To be eligible, students must maintain good academic standing and satisfactorily meet all graduation requirements. If you are interested in a Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) or Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) position, please inquire about available opportunities within the Faculty to which you are applying. To learn more about the University Rules and Regulations for Graduate Student Assistantships, click here.

Graduation Requirements

To satisfy the requirements for the degree of MS in Industrial Chemistry, the student must complete a total of 36 credits, including 6 credits of thesis work. The minimum passing grade is “C.” The overall cumulative GPA should be at least 3.0/4.0 with no more than 2 “Cs.”


Students in the degree of MS in Industrial Chemistry may register for the thesis course CHM 691 and CHM 692 only after successfully completing at least 19 credits with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0/4.0 and after receiving the approval of both the Department Chairperson and the thesis advisor. Thesis work provides the necessary background and research experience to students planning to work in the industrial sector or pursue a Ph.D. and indulge in scientific research.

Work Duration

The thesis work is expected to be successfully completed within 2 semesters.


Immediately after receiving a note of completion from the thesis advisor and 3 copies of the thesis from the student, the Department Chairperson shall appoint the oral defense jury and its chairperson. It shall consist of the thesis advisor and two full-time faculty members. The Department Chairperson shall distribute to each member of the jury 1 copy of the thesis.

Oral Defense Schedule

The oral defense for the thesis shall take place within two weeks from the jury appointment.

Final Grade

Each jury member shall evaluate the student thesis work. The jury will then thoroughly examine the student during the oral defense and consequently assign the appropriate grade by a majority vote. In case of a tie, the committee chairperson shall have the deciding vote.

Thesis Copies Distribution

The student shall submit the signature page to the jury chairperson for signatures and soft copies of the final approved theses shall be distributed by the student to the thesis advisor, department, faculty, and the remaining members of the jury. A soft copy with the signature page shall be submitted to the University library databases.

Suggested Program

Fall Semester Year 1 (10cr.)
CHM 609 Industrial Chemical Processes 3 cr.
CHM 606 Chemistry in the Workplace 1 cr.
Research Methods in Chemistry
Major Elective
3 cr.
3 cr.
Spring Semester Year 1 (12cr.)
CHM 603

Advanced Organic Chemistry
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
3 cr.
CHM 602 Chemometrics 3 cr.
Major Elective
3 cr.
3 cr.
Fall Semester Year 2 (7cr.)
CHM 6xx Major Elective 3 cr.
CHM 680 Seminar I 1 cr.
CHM 691 Thesis I 3 cr.
Spring Semester Year 2 (7cr.)
CHM 6xx Elective 3 cr.
CHM 681 Seminar II 1 cr.
CHM 692 Thesis II 3 cr.


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