Academics | IDEAL Program | Eligibility | Student Profile | NDU

Student Profile

Who is the IDEAL Program For?

Students with learning difficulties may find it challenging to acquire knowledge or skills using the same methods as other students. This could mean they face difficulties learning through traditional teaching methods or grappling with a curriculum designed for students their age. NDU and SKILD recognize the importance of educating these students within the regular education classroom. Therefore, the IDEAL Program was created to serve students with learning challenges or developmental difficulties who are unable to enroll in mainstream university programs but can still benefit from a higher education setting and inclusion.


IDEAL students will have access to all campus clubs and activities through the use of their university ID. To be considered an eligible candidate for the IDEAL Program, individuals must:

1. Be unable to attend the university as a traditional student.
2. Have documented mild to moderate challenges or developmental disabilities.
3. Fall within the age range of 18 to 24 years.
4. Have completed at least grade 9 as a school student.
5. Possess literacy skills and fluency in English.
6. Be capable of participating in 50-75-minute courses and functioning independently, or with some assistance, for up to two hours.
7. Demonstrate the ability to accept and adhere to reasonable rules and exhibit respectful behavior towards others.
8. Show a genuine desire to attend the program.

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