Academics | Lifelong Learning Center (LLC) | Instructors | Maher Ghostine | NDU

Maher Ghostine

Holding a master’s degree in Agricultural engineering from the Lebanese University and specialized in environmental sciences, Maher started his career as a sales engineer in 2012 in a retail/wholesale trading company where he gained experience in terms of agricultural practices, diseases, treatments etc. He moved then to a larger trading company, which offered him a huge career boost and helped him to improve his means of communication with customers and to be more involved in the field of marketing and commerce.

In 2013, Maher shifted to the world of landscape where he worked as a project manager in a landscaping company. In this new position, he developed an advanced knowledge in ornamental plants and trees. He also got into irrigation, which is one of the main pillars of agriculture. This job also allowed him to develop his leadership and time management expertise by managing multiple sites simultaneously with a team of many workers.

Maher also work as a freelancer in agricultural projects where he occupies the position of consultant and landscape projects that he takes as consultation and/or execution. In 2021, he was one of the consultants of GIZ, a German NGO responsible of the project of a plant nursery in Tripoli.

Since 2017, he has been holding the position of Assistant Director-Landscaping at NDU, where he acquired knowledge in tropical and olive trees. Additionally, this current role has allowed him to deal with different teams and to improve his teamwork skills. Being a member of such a big institution has also taught him to work in a certain hierarchy and to respect the order of work. At NDU, he continues to gain experience and learn new things every day.

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