Career Center | Career Fair net-WORK 2024 | NDU

Career Fair net-WORK 2024

Dear Valued Career Partners,

We are thrilled to invite you to participate in our upcoming NDU Career Fair net-WORK 2024, offering an excellent opportunity to network and showcase your company's opportunities to our talented student body.

Event Details:

  • Date: Wednesday, April 3, 2024
  • Time: 11:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m.
  • Opening: Noon | Friends Hall
  • Guests: To be announced
  • Venue: NDU Main Campus


Stand Details:

  • Size: 2x2 meters, 2.5 meters in height
  • Cost: USD 300 (to be paid in cash at the Business Office)
  • Inclusions: Each stand comes equipped with one table, two chairs, and prominently displays your company name on the front.


Booking Deadline:

The deadline to secure a stand and complete payment is Monday, February 26, 2024.

Sponsorship Benefits:

Sponsors will enjoy exclusive perks, including:
  • A 4x2 stand
  • Company logo featured on 12 TV screens across campus for two weeks
  • Sponsored logos on the e-invite sent to over 30,000 recipients and posted on NDU’s social media
  • Featured logos on the main screen during the opening ceremony
  • Company logo showcased on the main LED screen at the University entrance
  • Display of company visual materials around the venue during the event

The cost for sponsorship is USD 600.

Additional Information:

  • An ongoing coffee break is available for all participants.


Submission Requirements:

As part of our Career Fair Campaign, kindly send your company logo in high resolution as an Adobe Illustrator file and provide the company’s official social media accounts to

To confirm your participation, please click here to access and complete the required form. Note that all fields are mandatory. Thank you for considering this valuable opportunity to connect with our talented students.

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