Academics | Lifelong Learning Center (LLC) | Find a Program | NDU

Find a Program

LLC provides world-class programs that respond to the needs of both private and public sectors. These programs aim to develop professional, entrepreneurial, and socially responsible leaders through differentiated and results-oriented set of courses.


Executive Programs

Executive Programs focus on relevant topics dedicated to the highly specialized needs of professionals. They are designed to allow the immediate implementation of learning to address challenges confronting the participants and their organizations.


Professional Development Programs

Whether you want to work on your existing skillset or reinvent your career, our programs give you the knowledge and expertise you need to get started.


Corporate Custom Programs

Corporate Custom Programs are training programs that are co-designed and developed with LLC’s partner organizations. They ensure focus and alignment with the organization’s unique challenges and needs.

Self-designed Programs

This approach utilizes the latest academic innovations to enable professionals to develop their proficiency in diverse and multidisciplinary areas of concentration in a personalized, fast, and more manageable manner. These courses’ credentials can be earned over time, stacked in a process towards earning a program diploma, thus building an individual’s qualifications that lead to more career opportunities, advancement, and potentially high-paying jobs.


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