In a world that is waging a war against violent extremism on a daily basis, our responsibility consists of providing young people with the tools they need to combat oppressive speech filled with hate, bullying and violence.
Our mission at Notre Dame University International Film Festival is to effectively use the power of the seventh art and empower youth to go back to their homes with the desire to empower their communities with ideas and thoughts that promote inclusion, arts, culture, and peace.
This must be “The Change Generation” in which youth are the stories they tell to each other. They must be a generation that works at the very grassroots, a generation that helps society to change, to create and implement transformation in attitudes.
The movement starts with mobilizing youth, educating them on how to use their artistic skills and talent to highlight main topics that are the nuisances of this century: disrespect for human rights, gender inequality, environmental crimes, cyber addiction risks, and others, which are standing in the way of our communities’ development, growth and prosperity.
These young champions of our earth must be like a river that follows its course no matter how big and influential is the speech of hate. Today, we invite youth to unmute this silent revolt against the topics that threaten their futures by rebelling through cinema, arts and culture.
Sam Lahoud
Founder, Director
NDU International Film Festival
Founder, Chair
Beirut Film Society