Photography Competition

You, citizen of the world, use nature’s goods and services and enjoy its beauty from different perspectives. In photographically portraying the direct and indirect values of marine life, you present to your audience how you perceive the beauty of marine biodiversity, and ecosystem and coastal habitats; how you interact with the sea and its resources (food, crafts, recreational activities, etc.); how you perceive the social aspect of Lebanese fishermen (fishing practices, fish markets and livelihood); and how you raise awareness on the impact of humans on marine biodiversity, coastal habitats and the interaction between human and marine life.

We invite you to submit photographs that relate to these four axes on Marine Biodiversity.

You can present a minimum of one picture, a maximum of four. Each picture can represent all 4 sub-themes (Marine life and biodiversity, Sea & marine resources, Relationships between human and the sea, Sustainable use and management of marine resources) or just one of them.

Should you require any further information, please contact:

Faculty of Architecture, Art & Design
Mr. Noel Nasr
Office: HB 236
Phone: 09/208604


Faculty of Natural & Applied Sciences
Dr. Elsa Sattout
Office: S 340
Phone: 09/218950 Ext: 2619

How to Participate
Print your pictures on A4 photo paper (up to 4 photos per participant).
Pictures should be labeled with your name on the back.
Save your original pictures on a CD/DVD (minimum 20x30cm 300dpi)
Present your pictures and your CD to one of the following:
Mr. Noel Nasr on April 23, 25, 27 from 12:00 till 1:00.
Dr. Elsa Sattout on April 19, 24, 26, 27 from 12:30 till 1:30.

Submission Deadline
April 27th, 2012

The competition is open to all NDU Student enrolled in the Academic year 2011-2012.

First Prize: USD 500
Second Prize: USD 300
Third Prize: USD 200
The results of the competition will be announced on May 24th, 2012 at 11:00 AM