Note for Participants

You, Junior Scientist, Engineer, Designer, Photographer, Planner, Economist and Architect, explore the living and non-living world and discover the mysteries of human existence and relationships with the surrounding environment. You get inspired from nature for your art and you design your ventures in sciences based on the wisdom gained when you observe the natural world.

While focusing on Marine Biodiversity, you are invited to discover your capacity and participate in the interfaculty event organized to celebrate with the world communities the International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) ‘in situ at NDU’. You can be an active participant in the event through attending seminars and documentaries and/or joining the poster, photography and crafts competitions.

Did you know that natural diversity enriches our lives because it enriches our extended self and thus brings us greater self-realization? It is essential for our personal growth.

Let us join hands to
raise awareness on the importance of the protection of marine biodiversity!

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