Delivery of artwork
Each participant selected must dispatch his/her artwork to NDU at his or her own expense, and is responsible for transit insurance to and from Notre Dame University-Louaize. Artwork (s) must be ready for hanging and received from February 3 till March 3, 2010.  All artworks not received by that date will be excluded from the exhibition and the competition.

Dispatch Address
FAAD- C/O: Mr. Habib Melki, Acting Dean
NDU-Zouk Mosbeh

Mismatch of the digital images with the respective original artwork will lead to the complete exclusion of the relevant participant from the event.

Non removal of artwork
No exhibited artwork is to be removed before the closing date of the exhibition.

Sale of artwork and commission
Participants who wish to sell their artwork must indicate this beforehand and must send NDU their sale price.  There will be no commission on sales of exhibited artwork reserved to NDU.

Return of artwork
Artworks that are not sold should be removed by NDU at the end of the exhibition or not later than two days after the closing date.  Participants from Lebanon are responsible for the removal of their own artworks at their own cost within the aforementioned period.  As for the overseas participants, shipped work must be sent in a re-usable container to be used for return of the work. Participants must include a return shipment pre-paid label with full recipient street address, i.e. not the P.O. Box addresses in order to secure the receipt of the artwork.