Alenka Fikfak

Dr. Fikfak holds an MA in Architecture, Ph.D. in Architecture and Urban Planning, and senior lecturer. Head of Chair of urbanism UL FA. Leading process of accreditation – urbanism study program, 2010–2012 (Bachelor and Master), re-accreditation of architecture (Unifed Master) study program, 2012–2013. Research experience: spatial and landscape planning, planning of small settlements, rurism and rural architecture, regulatory plans for the regulation of non-urban settlements, evolutionary constants of a settlement culture undergoing renovation, with particular reference to the coastal region, models for revitalisation of degraded landscape areas, analysis of trends of spatial development. Research work in different EU projects/Programmes. Organized more than 40 architectural and urbanistical workshops for different local communities in Slovenia and on International level. Organized International conferences of Spatial Planning development and Urbanism: Smart urbanism 2012, 2013, 2014; Symposium Men and space; Theory and critic’s in Architecture: 60 architectural reviews in Europe, Member of different national and international scientific and art committees. Active in professional work in domain of urban planning and design.