Thesis: Graduation Project Guidelines - LAW 495

Students in the fourth year of the program shall write a thesis. The guidelines are the following:
- The student shall choose an advisor and select in coordination with the advisor a topic for research;
- The student shall choose the language of the thesis: English, Arabic, or French;
- It is the responsibility of the student to prepare a clear proposal on the selected topic;
- Select in coordination with the advisor two readers to be members of the committee;
- The advisor shall submit the names of committee members to the Dean of the Faculty;
- The student shall work closely with the advisor securing his/her approval for every chapter written before passing it to the readers;
- Once the advisor and the readers have reviewed the thesis, the advisor shall inform in writing the Dean of the Faculty about the time and place scheduled for the defense. This defense shall be open for all those interested to attend;
- Students must secure a final clearance from the Library, concerning the thesis format; and
- Students must provide 5 duly signed copies of the thesis: one to the University Library, one to every member of his or her Committee, and one to the Faculty Library.